The key to weight loss that no one talks about

It's Transformation Tuesday which is where we will discuss fitness and health. Every Tuesday we will have another installment of “Did You Do Your 100?” to not only document my fitness journey but will share information to help you with yours?
September 2018 vs. April 2019

When I began sharing my fitness journey, it was purely for self-accountability. To my surprise, viewers started to look forward to those daily “ Did you get it in?” or “ Did you do your 100?” posts. Months later we have formed our fitness community where we check-in and hold each other accountable for our health.

This week, I did an impromptu poll asking how many people would be interested in completing a water fast together and 80% of people decided to join. Although 80% of the audience is ready, the reasons people chose not to join concerned me the most. The feedback opened my eyes as to why so many of us have failed at weight loss and maintaining health. Many people thought they would pass out, and some contributed fasting to just losing water weight, some people didn't believe they would make it. Water fasting for 1-3 days has fantastic benefits that help give the body a jump start. It mainly provides the body with a clean palette; it improves your complexion, debloats, and helps rev up your metabolism.

These responses, however, made me wonder, are people dieting without educating themselves on the human body? The human body is truly a great machine that is built to withstand more than most of us know. Understanding the human body is truly the key to weight loss. For example, having an imbalance in your hormones can cause rapid weight gain and a decrease in speed in your metabolism. Or, did you know that based on your blood type, some meat proteins perform better than others?

So many people approach weight loss hoping to achieve a particular look, but what about your organ health? Or do you have any vitamin deficiencies? At the beginning of my 99th attempt to get healthy, I loaded up on this info. I learned that I have a vitamin D deficiency and my hormones were off. This new information sparked research mode, and that was all she wrote. I ordered supplements to correct hormones and supplement vitamin deficiencies and chose a diet that worked for women who had hormonal issues. Voila, 40 pounds melted off in four months with light activity and proper nutrition.

So many people try fad diets and can't figure out why they gain weight when they fall off. It is probably because that diet only helped with one thing and not your overall health. I can't stress this enough; please become a student of anything you set out to do. I spoke to someone who did Keto but gained the weight when they stopped, well that is because ketosis is not a diet, it is a state in which the body burns fat and turns it into energy instead of carbs. The minute you cheat on a keto diet, your body leaves ketosis and starts to store fat. So if you are the person who enjoys a carb loaded cheat meal once a week, this diet will never work for you. It certainly won't work for me as long as Inn-n-out is in business.

Your body is your temple, study it and find out what it needs. Your body speaks loud and clear if you find that you are fatigue often, you may need to consume more Vitamin B. If you are a woman, it is highly likely that you have a Vitamin D deficiency, and if you find that you get severe headaches after eating salty foods, you may have high blood pressure. Summer is coming, and we all want to look good, but before you invest in that trainer, see a doctor and get some information about your body so that you can come up with a great nutrition plan for yourself. Remember bodies are made in the kitchen and maintained in the gym.

What works for one may not work for another, but there is something that will work for you, so keep going.

If you want to join us on our water fast or be a part of the fit fam, make sure to add me on Instagram @PjlovesPJ and check in via my Instagram stories. Make sure you check back next week so that we can discuss the results.

As always stay Beat and Blessed,

Paija J.


  1. Well written! Reminded me of some keys points that I had forgotten myself. Thanks for this 🤗

  2. I am down for am all day water fast like ramadan does only with no water and a dinner at night. I am drinking Kangen Water as my fast and will definitely start doing this! Thank you for the encouragement. I also work out 5 days a week 30 laps a day, yoga, biking 6 miles, and do exercise everyday of some kind as I have always been athletic. I just love good food. I went GMO Free and Organic, along with red meat once every two weeks, and gave up milk. I have toned but not major loss yet.


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